Compressor Fridge/Freezer Maintenance and Tips

How to Clean, Defrost, and Save Energy on Your Compressor Fridge/Freezer

We use Compressor/ freezer units in our Zone RV Off Road Caravans due to their efficient cooling and low power consumption. However, like any other appliance, they require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Here are some general maintenance tips and energy-saving tips for your compressor fridge/freezer.


Regular cleaning of your compressor fridge/freezer is essential to maintain hygiene and prevent odors. Follow these steps to clean your fridge:

  1. Use warm water and a mild soap to clean the inside of your fridge.
  2. Avoid using abrasive or corrosive cleaning agents, steel wool, or scouring sponges as they can damage the interior surface.
  3. Use a soft sponge, towel, or soft brush to clean the interior.
  4. Remove any condensate water or ice which gathers in or near the tray under the freezer compartment.
  5. Keep the inside of the fridge clean and dry at all times.


Defrosting your compressor fridge/freezer needs to be done periodically when the ice layer reaches a thickness of 5mm. Follow these steps to defrost your fridge:

  1. Turn off the fridge power and move your food and beverages to another cool place.
  2. Do not use any objects to remove the ice or frost, as they can damage the fridge/freezer. Allow the ice to melt naturally.
  3. Once the ice has melted, dry the inside of the fridge and freezer compartment thoroughly.

Energy-saving Tips:

Compressor fridges/freezers consume less energy than traditional absorption fridges/freezers, but there are still ways to reduce power consumption and save energy. Here are some energy-saving tips:

  1. Ensure maximum ventilation around the fridge/freezer as the more ventilation, the better the cooling performance.
  2. Keep the fridge out of direct sunlight whenever possible as it can increase the internal temperature.
  3. Only open the fridge/freezer door when necessary, as each time the door is opened, the cold air escapes and warm air enters.
  4. Allow hot food to cool down before placing it inside the fridge/freezer.
  5. Defrost the fridge/freezer as soon as a layer of ice forms, as the ice layer can reduce the cooling efficiency.
  6. Set the fridge/freezer to be only as cold as necessary to save energy.

In conclusion, proper maintenance of your compressor fridge/freezer can prolong its life and improve its efficiency. By following these general maintenance tips and energy-saving tips, you can ensure that your compressor fridge/freezer runs smoothly and consumes less power. Always refer to the product manual for specific instructions and guidelines.

Disclaimer: The following maintenance tips are general guidelines for compressor fridges/freezers. Always refer to the product manual for specific instructions and guidelines.