How does the Webasto diesel hot water system work?

Understand how your water is heated

The Thermo Top Evo 5 diesel hot water system is designed to provide hot water for your needs. It works like this:

  1. Heating Glycol: Inside the system, there's a tank with a liquid called glycol. The system heats this glycol to a high temperature, around 80°C.

  2. Using Heat Exchange: To get hot water, the hot glycol passes through something called a Plate Heat Exchanger. At the same time, cold water from your water tank or mains supply also flows through this exchanger.

  3. Heat Transfer: When the hot glycol and cold water meet in the Plate Heat Exchanger, something cool happens – the heat from the glycol moves into the water. This warms up the water.

  4. Constant Hot Water: Because of this clever heat exchange, you get a steady supply of hot water, typically at a temperature of 40-50°C. It doesn't matter if you're using water from your tank or the mains; the system keeps it warm for you.

In a nutshell, the Thermo Top Evo 5 diesel hot water system makes sure you have a continuous source of hot water by using heat transfer. Always consult your system's manual for specific information and rely on professionals for setup and maintenance to keep it working smoothly.

Disclaimer: This simplified explanation offers a basic understanding. For specific details, refer to your system's manual and seek professional help for installation and maintenance.