Is the diesel Air heater and the Hot Water system the same unit?

Unveiling the Separate Units and Shared Diesel Tank for Heating and Hot Water

Welcome to our informative guide that sheds light on an essential aspect of your caravan's functionality - the differentiation between the Diesel Air Heater and the Hot Water System. If you've ever wondered whether these two systems are one and the same, we're here to clarify and provide insights into their individuality, placement, and shared resources.

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Separate Yet Essential:
The Diesel Air Heater and the Hot Water System are distinct components within your caravan, serving unique functions to enhance your comfort and convenience. While both contribute to your overall caravan experience, they operate independently to meet your heating and hot water needs.

Diesel Air Heater:
The Diesel Air Heater is thoughtfully placed under the couch of your caravan, a location that epitomizes efficient space utilization. This unit is responsible for providing cozy warmth to your caravan's interior, ensuring a comfortable environment during chilly adventures.

Hot Water System:
On the other hand, the Hot Water System is situated in the ensuite of your caravan. This dedicated placement ensures quick and convenient access to hot water for your daily needs, whether it's for showering, cooking, or cleaning.

Shared Diesel Tank:
Here's where the systems intersect - both the Diesel Air Heater and the Hot Water System draw from the same diesel tank located at the front of your caravan, within the exterior toolbox. This shared resource maximizes efficiency by utilizing a single fuel source for both heating and hot water needs.

Optimal Convenience:
The deliberate separation of these systems allows you to customize your comfort level. Whether you require warmth throughout your caravan or simply need hot water on demand, this design caters to your preferences with precision.

Efficiency and Sustainability:
By utilizing a common diesel tank, Zone RV enhances resource management within your caravan. This design choice promotes eco-consciousness and responsible use of energy, aligning with Zone RV's commitment to sustainability.


In conclusion, the Diesel Air Heater and the Hot Water System are separate units within your caravan, each fulfilling a distinct purpose to elevate your travel experience. Their shared diesel tank underscores Zone RV's dedication to efficiency and resource optimization.