Locating Fuses on your Gen 1 ZoneRV

How to find your fuses in Gen 1 ZoneRV Caravan

Locating fuses in ZoneRV caravan may vary depending on the make and model of your caravan. However, I can provide you with a guide on how to find and check fuses in our Gen 1 vans which include the Base, Venture and Offroad Model.

  1. Look in Overheads and Cabinets Compartment: Depending on the design of your caravan, you should find all fuses located in a few locations in your van, these fuses will be located on fuse boxes or inside a contact 6 module in the locations below.
  • Overhead cabinet above lounge behind panel 
  • Service panel Under your stove/cooktop
  • Under your lounge 
  • Rh/driver side bed 
  • Kitchen Overhead cabinet
  1. Use a Torch/Flashlight: Caravan fuse boxes are often tucked away in inconspicuous locations, so using a flashlight can help you spot them more easily.
  2. Locating Fuses: Once you located the fuse boxes your fuses will be located in here, the front of these have labeling that shows which fuse corresponds to which electrical component. This will help you locate the fuse you are looking for to diagnose to troubleshoot your problem.

Fuse Box located in Gen 1 ZoneRV Caravan 

Contact 6 Module Located in Gen 1 ZoneRv Caravan

  1. Consult Online Resources: If you can't locate the fuse box through the owner's manual or visual inspection, consider searching online forums or websites dedicated to your caravan's make and model. Fellow owners may have shared information on where to find the fuse box.

  2. Use a Multimeter: If you suspect a specific electrical issue and can't locate the fuse, you can use a multimeter to test the electrical circuits. This can help you identify the faulty circuit and, indirectly, the fuse responsible.


Remember to turn off the power to the caravan before you start working with the fuses to ensure your safety. If you are unsure about handling electrical components or cannot locate the fuses, it's advisable to seek assistance from a professional mechanic or caravan technician.