What is a bolster?

Discover the Innovative Island Caravan Mattress with Bolster Design

Welcome to our informative guide that unveils the ingenuity of the bolster bed, an innovative feature found in Zone RV caravans. If you're curious about how this unique mattress design enhances both space and comfort, we're here to provide insights into its functionality and benefits.


Elevating Comfort and Versatility:
Imagine a mattress that not only provides exceptional comfort for a good night's sleep but also contributes to optimizing your caravan's space. This is precisely what the bolster bed, also known as an island caravan mattress with bolster, offers.

The Bolster Bed Design Explained:
At first glance, the bolster bed resembles a traditional mattress. However, the magic lies in its versatile design. This mattress consists of two parts: the main piece and the bolster, which is a smaller segment placed at the head-end of the bed. When the bolster is placed on top of the main piece, the bed can be slightly pushed back, creating additional space in the living area.

Space-Saving Functionality:
The brilliance of the bolster bed lies in its ability to free up space when the bed is not in use. By moving the bed slightly back with the bolster on top, you create a more open living area, enhancing the overall spaciousness of your caravan.

Enhanced Sleeping Area:
But that's not all - the bolster bed also offers a unique advantage when it comes to sleeping comfort. Need extra length while lying flat? No problem. Simply pull the mattress forward to align the bolster back into place, and you've just gained additional length for a restful night's sleep.


In conclusion, the bolster bed, or island caravan mattress with bolster, is a game-changing feature that combines comfort, space-saving, and personalized functionality. This innovative design reflects Zone RV's mission to provide you with a caravan that perfectly suits your lifestyle.